Effects of Psychology Education on Behavioral Development of Public Secondary School Students: A Case Ruhango District -Rwanda


  • Iragena Fidele School of Education, Mount Kenya University Rwanda
  • Dr. Mugiraneza Faustin School of Education, Mount Kigali University Rwanda




Psychology Education, Behavioral Development, Secondary School Students


This study explored the impact of psychology education on the behavioral development of secondary school students in Ruhango District, Southern Province, Rwanda. It aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of psychology education programs, assess students' behavioral development, and establish a correlation between psychology education and behavioral growth. A descriptive research design was employed, using questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis guides. The study involved 236 participants, including students, teachers, Dean of Studies (DOSs), Head Teachers, and the Director of District Education (DDE). Stratified and simple random sampling techniques yielded a sample of 118 students, 52 teachers, and 8 key informants. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS version 22, while qualitative data were thematically analyzed. The findings highlighted significant challenges in psychology education programs, particularly in addressing behavioral issues, emotional regulation, and self-awareness. Teachers and students expressed dissatisfaction with the programs' impact, noting limited progress in emotional regulation and social interactions. However, a positive correlation between psychology education and behavioral development was observed. The study emphasized the need for reforms and practical applications to enhance students’ emotional and behavioral growth. It recommended collaborative efforts among stakeholders and urged the Ministry of Education to prioritize funding for school library development to support these improvements.


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How to Cite

Fidele, I., and M. Faustin. “Effects of Psychology Education on Behavioral Development of Public Secondary School Students: A Case Ruhango District -Rwanda”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 13, no. 12, Dec. 2024, pp. 16-27, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v13n12.003.




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