Inclusion of Technological Tools in Teaching and Students’ Learning Outcomes in Public Secondary in Rwanda: A Case of Gisagara District, Rwanda


  • Manikuzwe Sophie MED Student, Mount Kenya University
  • Mugiraneza Faustin Senior Lecturer, Mount Kenya University



Technological Tools, Students’ Learning Outcomes, Public Secondary schools, technology inclusion


This study aimed to investigate the impact of incorporating technological tools in teaching on students' learning outcomes in public secondary schools in Rwanda. Specifically, it focused on three objectives: identifying the technological tools used in teaching in public secondary schools in Gisagara District, Rwanda; examining the learning outcomes required in these schools; and evaluating the relationship between the use of technological tools in teaching and students' learning outcomes. The study was based on Constructivism and Socio-Cultural theories and employed a descriptive design to collect data. The Yamane formula was used to determine a sample size of 282 respondents. Findings revealed that the majority (80.5%) of respondents strongly agreed that their schools had projectors and used them effectively for learning. Additionally, 14.1% agreed that projectors were available and used in their schools, 3.6% indicated that their schools did not have projectors, 1.4% also stated that their schools lacked projectors, and 0.4% did not provide any information regarding projector availability and usage. The study found a strong relationship between the inclusion of technological tools and students' learning outcomes in public secondary schools, evidenced by a Pearson correlation coefficient (r) of 0.956 with a statistically significant p-value of 0.000. This indicates a highly positive and significant association between the use of technological tools in teaching and students' learning outcomes. Furthermore, the regression analysis showed that the inclusion of technological tools significantly enhances students' learning outcomes, with a square value of 0.913. Based on these findings, it is recommended that the Rwandan government prioritize investments in infrastructure and digital resources to ensure equitable access to technological tools across all public secondary schools. Schools should establish well-equipped digital learning environments to seamlessly integrate technological tools into teaching practices and foster a culture of innovation and experimentation, encouraging teachers to explore new instructional methods that leverage technology to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.


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How to Cite

Sophie, M., and M. Faustin. “Inclusion of Technological Tools in Teaching and Students’ Learning Outcomes in Public Secondary in Rwanda: A Case of Gisagara District, Rwanda”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 13, no. 5, May 2024, pp. 17-33, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v13n5.002.




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