Role of Technology in Teaching and Learning on Students Learning Achievements in Mathematics Subject in Public Secondary Schools of Rwanda
Role, Technology, Teaching and LearningAbstract
The aim of the study was to find the role of technology in teaching and learning mathematics in public secondary schools of Rwanda. It has three specific objectives: To assess the level of using technology in teaching and learning mathematics in public secondary school in Rwanda, to examine the levels of students learning achievement due to use of Technology in mathematics subject in public secondary school of Rwanda and to analyze the influence of technology on students ‘mathematical academic achievement in mathematics in public secondary schools in Rwanda. This research would benefit the Rwandan government, educational planners, policymakers, teachers, students and future researchers. The study took Quantitative method to collect the data, descriptive research design was used, target population were 854, sample size was 272 which include 4 teachers and 268 students from three secondary schools, Questionnaire was used as the data collection tools. Statistical Package for Social Sciences or SPSS version 21 used to analyze the data, which was then displayed in the form of tables, the findings of my studies Teachers on the level of using technology in teaching and learning mathematics for teachers 25% were strong disagree that the they have not been using technology tools for teaching mathematics at all, 25% were disagree that the I have not been using technology tools for teaching mathematics at all, the students on the levels of students learning achievement due to the use of Technology in mathematics subject, 41% were agree that Technology enhanced student engagement in the learning process in classroom and 53% were strong agree that Technology enhanced student engagement in the learning process in classroom, teachers on the levels of students learning achievement due to the use of Technology in mathematics subject in public secondary school,75% were strong agree that Teachers can effectively integrate technology tools, 50% were agree that Technology into their mathematics instruction to support diverse learners, teachers on the influence of technology on students ‘mathematical academic achievement in mathematics, 75% were strong agree that the integration of technology impact students’ engagement and motivation in learning mathematics, 50% were agree that the accessibility of technology resources both inside and outside the classroom influence students’ proficiency in mathematical concepts and skills and students on the influence of technology on students ‘mathematical academic achievement in mathematics, 23% were agree that the integration of technology impact students’ engagement and motivation in learning mathematics and 55% were strong agree that the integration of technology impact students’ engagement and motivation in learning mathematics, as conclusion teachers and students was used to form a conclusion about how to address the second research questions on What is the levels of students learning achievement due to the use of Technology in mathematics subject ’’it were conclude that the Technology enhanced student engagement in the learning process in classroom and teachers and students was used , Teachers should recognize the transformation potential of technology in enhancing mathematics education and The Ministry recommends providing ongoing professional development for teachers to ensure they are proficient in using technology to enhance mathematics instruction.
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