Tuition Fees Reduction on Student Performance in Public Secondary Schools of Rwanda
Tuition fees reduction, student performance, schoolsAbstract
The research investigated the contribution of tuition fee reductions to student performance in public secondary schools in Rwanda. Specifically, the research examines the specific factors that contribute to the effectiveness of tuition fee reduction in public secondary schools in Rwanda, assesses the level of academic performance of students in public secondary schools due to the reduction in tuition fees in Rwanda, and analyzes the relationship between tuition fee reduction and the students ‘academic performance in public secondary schools in Rwanda. This study's target population will consist of 415 respondents. The sample size will be 194 people. This study utilized primary sources like questionnaires, interviews, and observation to gather data. It employed purposive, stratified, and simple random sampling methods. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used for analysis. For the first objective, results indicate that the majority of teachers, with a total of 92.0%, strongly agreed or agreed that a rising percentage of students are enrolling; 96.0% either strongly agreed or agreed that class participation and engagement; and 90.7% strongly agreed or agreed that low completion rates show the specific factors that contribute to the effectiveness of tuition fee reduction. For the second objective, 94.0% strongly agreed or agreed that graduation rates were high, and 98.6% either strongly agreed or agreed that a high number of students attended. Additionally, 96.6% strongly agreed or agreed that higher national examinations resulted, and 72.0% strongly agreed or agreed that retention rates indicate the academic performance of students in public secondary schools due to the reduction of the reduction of tuition fees in Rwanda. Results on the relationship between tuition fee reduction and the students ‘academic performance in public secondary schools in Rwanda. The correlation matrix between independent variables (government funding, institutional budget, and program section) and dependent variables (increased number of graduates, high student attendance, and increased student retention rates) shows positive significance since the p-value was less than 0.05. Based on research findings It is recommended that A tiered tuition fee structure, scholarships, grants, increased government funding, a free education policy, private sector involvement, and cost-sharing programs can make education more accessible and affordable for students.
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