Influence of Gender Participation in Sport on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Day Secondary Schools in Rwanda: A Case of Muhanga District


  • MUKAMABANO Marie Chantal MED Student, Mount Kenya University
  • Dr. Faustin MUGIRANEZA (PhD) Senior Lecturer, Mount Kenya University



Gender, Participation in Sport, Students’ Academic Performance, Day Secondary Schools


The study explored the influence of gender participation in sport on students’ academic performance in day public secondary schools in Rwanda, specifically the case of Muhanga district.   The specific objectives of this research were to assess the availability of sport resources in day public secondary schools in Muhanga district, Rwanda, to examine the students’ academic performance in day public secondary schools in Muhanga district, Rwanda, and to evaluate the relationship between gender participation in sport and students’ academic performance in day public Secondary schools in Muhanga District, Rwanda. The research targeted a population of 912 including 720 students, 144 teachers and 48 Head teachers selected from different schools in all sectors of Muhanga district, Rwanda. A sample size of 279 respondents were used, this include 221 students and 44 teachers were randomly selected and 14 head teachers selected purposively. Data collection was through questionnaires made for students and teachers, and interview guides designed for school head teachers. The method of data analysis involved the utilization of IBM SPSS 22.0. Every piece of information from the surveys and interviews was consistently grouped into categories. Following that, the information was showcased and talked about through the use of tables and figures. The research findings reveal critical gaps in sports resources in public day secondary schools in Muhanga district, Rwanda. A significant 57.9% of students reported inadequate sports facilities, and 52.9% cited insufficient equipment, highlighting the need for improvement. While 54.8% felt sports did not enhance their academic performance, 44.8% indicated it motivated academic engagement. Regarding gender participation, 54.3% believed sports positively influenced academic results, yet 56.1% felt insufficient efforts were made to promote gender equality in sports. Teachers largely recognized the academic benefits of athletic involvement. These findings emphasize the need for improved sports resources and greater gender inclusivity to enhance academic success. The research emphasizes the need for educational policymakers to integrate sports with academics to enhance student development and ensure gender equality in sports participation. It advocates for structured programs that develop essential skills and calls on the Ministry of Education to provide adequate resources and training for teachers.


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How to Cite

MUKAMABANO, M. C., and F. MUGIRANEZA. “Influence of Gender Participation in Sport on Students’ Academic Performance in Public Day Secondary Schools in Rwanda: A Case of Muhanga District”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 13, no. 9, Sept. 2024, pp. 154-73, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v13n9.011.




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