Challenges and Urgent Need of Solid Waste Management in Rudrapur City, US Nagar Uttarakhand
Urbanization, Solid Waste, Environmental Impacts, Municipal Corporation, Rudrapur CityAbstract
The rapid expansion of urban areas (horizontal and vertical) that occurred throughout the 20th century transformed urban areas into areas that required environmental problems that most urban cities have to face on a global scale. With the rapidly growing population in the urban centers, SWM is turning into a notable environmental challenge and an advent issue, especially in the urban areas (MC) of Uttarakhand. Open throwing and dumping of un-segregated SW pollute the freshwater streams also and open disposal and burning of SW are the main reasons for the adversely affected urban environment, i.e., air pollution, air quality, smog etc. The lack of appropriate SWM facilities has seriously threatened the urban areas. Growing amounts of consumption and waste production combined high-density low-income living Cities, i.e. Rudrapur. Improper management of SWM is just one of the major present problems facing the Rudrapur MC, which are environmental loss, degradation of water and air quality and urban health problems also related to untreated SW throwing, depositing in different parts of urban areas. The present study is based on observation and exploratory research methods by using both primary and secondary data which was collected during a field survey of Rudrapur MC. The entire Rudrapur MC generated a huge amount of SW in quantities comparable to the very small amount collected and transferred to a disposal and treatment site by the MC. Insufficient methods of solid waste collection and transportation in Rudrapur city are not so much improved and there is little access to municipal vehicles for SW collection, transfer and transportation to the final disposal.
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