Discovering Trends of Customer Loyalty Research: A VOSviewer-Assisted Systematic Review
Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality, Vosviewer, Bibliometric Analysis, Systematic Bibliographic ReviewAbstract
Customer loyalty in various industries is an interesting variable to examine. This is because every industry has different dynamics, features, and components that influence customer behavior. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with systematic bibliographic review analysis using Vosviewer tools. The research data is 100 articles taken from databased Emerald from 2015 to 2024. The results of the bibliometric analysis of this study show that there is still the possibility of research in the field of marketing for areas related to customer loyalty. The results of the network visualisation analysis show that there are still nodes with small sizes that show that research has not been rampant in the areas represented, such as service recovery resilience, customer outcomes, flexibility, and return satisfaction. Analysis on overlay visualization shows research trends related to customer loyalty in the areas of autenticity, authentic experience, potential gain, experience quality, and interaction quality. In terms of density, there are still opportunities to examine social selling activity, mindfulness, customer retention strategies, and ethical behavior. This conclusion also leads to the authors' recommendations for future research related to customer loyalty can lead to areas that are trending and have not been explored much by previous researchers.
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