Exploring the impact of social media on contemporary journalism practice in Zambia: A journalism student perspective
social media, journalism practice, Zambia, Mwebantu, ZNBCAbstract
This paper discusses the impact of social media on journalism practice in Zambia, highlighting some of the observable advantages and disadvantages. The paper is written from the perspective of journalism students who make observations about the impact social media has had on the profession in Zambia based on their assessment. The essay uses published literature and gives examples from the Zambian social media space on just how social media continues to affect journalism practice in the Zambian context. It seeks to add to the growing scholarship and debate on social media and how it has been applied or misapplied in the local context, while drawing from global scholarship as well. The paper shows how there is need for journalism to embrace the idea that the use of social media is at the present inevitable. However, it is important that training and skills development initiative on how to best use social media is enhanced. Overall, social media offers opportunities for journalists in Zambia to better engage with audiences, share factual news and information in a timely way, and to amplify the voices of the country’s marginalised voices. The need for responsible and reasonable use of social media cannot be over emphasized.
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