Exploring the Factors Influencing Job Finding in Afghanistan (Case study Shaikh Zayed University Economics Graduates 2019-2022)
Percentage Grade, English proficiency, Computer skills, Personal Contacts, Job findingAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role of academic performance (Percentage grade), English proficiency, computer skills and personal contacts (recommendations) on job finding of Shaikh Zayed University Economics faculty graduates. To achieve this objective an accidental sampling technique was used in the selection of the samples. A total of 86 respondents who have graduated from the economics faculty of Shaikh Zayed University between 2019 and 2022 and have gotten jobs were used for the study as per Yamane sample size method. The major instrument for data collection was a google form questionnaire titled factors affecting Job finding for SZU-Economic graduates (FAJFSG). It was designed by the researchers with the aid of 3 research experts to establish its validity and reliability. The ranking of the factors was recognized by using Garrett ranking technique. The result of the analyses showed that percentage grade of the graduates is the first and highly significant factor influencing job finding of the graduates after graduation, while computer skills, English proficiency and personal contacts (recommendations) were ordered as the second, third and the fourth significant factors. Based on these findings, it is recommended, that the university students should consider securing high level of percentage grade as the first priority, good skills in computer at the second, fluent English proficiency at the third and supportive personal contacts at the fourth priority to find a job after graduation in the contemporary labor market of Afghanistan.
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