Evaluation of Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) in Samnapur Block of Madhya Pradesh


  • Abhishek Pandey Block Programme Manager - MP SRLM, Madhya Pradesh




Evaluation, Local area development, Self-Help Groups, Start-ups, Village entrepreneurship


Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) is one of the world’s most extensive village entrepreneurship programmes to transform rural India into an entrepreneurial hub. This paper performs the first impact evaluation of this scheme in one of the implementing blocks of Madhya Pradesh. The study uses mixed-method research to complete the programmatic, quantitative and qualitative analysis, thereby highlighting the bottlenecks in the existing policy from the grassroots. As per the quantitative analysis, the scheme has achieved a 45.3 per cent decrease in migration. 84.2 per cent of respondents reported an increase in monthly food consumption, and 53.5 per cent of respondents reported improvement in their socio-economic condition. Moreover, the case narratives and cross-case analysis provide the beneficiaries' perception of the scheme and how SVEP has created an entrepreneurial attitude among women. The study also focuses on delivering programmatic suggestions to overcome the scheme's bottlenecks and build a rural startup ecosystem.


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Author Biography

Abhishek Pandey, Block Programme Manager - MP SRLM, Madhya Pradesh

Mr. Abhishek Pandey has completed Post-graduation in Development Studies and a Masters in Public Policy. He has experience of working with state governments on development schemes in the sector of livelihoods, public health, education, climate sustainability, and gender. He has also worked on implementing behavioural science interventions in resolving developmental issues. He is an aspiring public policy professional who wants to excel in the domain of public policy and contribute to the development of effective policies in India for socio-economic and climate improvements.


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How to Cite

Pandey, A. “Evaluation of Start-up Village Entrepreneurship Program (SVEP) in Samnapur Block of Madhya Pradesh”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 12, no. 01, Jan. 2023, pp. 17-32, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v12n01.003.


