NEP 2020 and Evolution of Holistic Individual


  • Dr. Preeti Saxena Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara



VUCA World, evolution, humanistic values, holistic, soft skills


The chapter 11 of NEP 2020, states ‘Towards a More Holistic and Multidisciplinary Education’.

In this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world, nothing can be preplanned but being proactive for different situations can help make a better world of tomorrow. For this, an individual should be economically independent, he should be composed of humanistic, ethical, constitutional and universal human values of truth, righteous conduct, peace, love, non-violence, scientific temper, citizenship values and also life- skills; lessons of seva/service and participation in community service programmes should be made compulsory for him.

Efforts are made always to make a schematic representation of a model to implement for the attainment of holistic individual where the start of the day is with the meditation and physical exercise. The time for academics is the University hours where apart from the academics, certain soft skills like communication, debates, discussion will be made compulsory for each course. Rigorous specialization for the chosen field will be followed. Compulsory physical work for developing the dignity of labour will be incorporated. Work experience course should be introduced to make understand the practical knowledge of the subject. Opportunities will be provided to the students to pursue internships with the local industry, businesses, artists, crafts persons, etc. as well as research internships with faculty and researchers at their own, of a defined duration.

Further, A university is required so that human beings are nurtured in such a way where all round development is being taking place with value based education. It should be model to make the policy perspectives to be viewed with one’s eyes and easy to understand.

For the evolution of a holistic individual, a holistic model is necessary where it takes into account all the relevant ideas mentioned in the said policy.


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Author Biography

Dr. Preeti Saxena, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Faculty of Education and Psychology, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara

Dr. Preeti Saxena is M.Sc. in Chemistry, M.Ed .and Ph.D. in Education. She has done Post Graduate Diploma in Theology She has achieved Gold medal in B.Ed. and M.Ed.  She has 9 years of experience in Teaching. She has presented many papers in Seminars and Conferences of National and International repute. Her areas of interest are Teacher Education, Inclusive Education and Theology.


Mangal,S.K. (2005).Educational psychology.

NEP 2020: Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.




How to Cite

Saxena, P. “NEP 2020 and Evolution of Holistic Individual”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 12, no. 01, Jan. 2023, pp. 13-16, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v12n01.002.


