A study on the role of WhatsApp as an emerging business communication tool among Startups and MSMEs in India


  • Dr. Anil Kumar Kottani Founder Director, Envisys Technologies Pvt. Ltd., SB-118, 3rd Cross Road, I-Stage, Peenya Industrial Estate, Bangalore 560058
  • Dr. Ajay Kumar K.N Assistant Professor, Govt First Grade College, Channarayapatna, Hassan 573116




MSMEs, WhatsApp, Marketing Communication, start-ups


Marketing Communications has been the vital part of Start-up’s and MSMEs growth in the recent years contributing to a significant change in the way the businesses are communicating after the advent of internet. After the arrival of smart phones, the interactions among business enterprises have refined completely compare to traditional interactions happening since ages among businesses. This study focusses on one such prominent communication tool which has changed the entire landscape of Start-ups and MSMEs marketing communication is “WhatsApp”. The study intends to highlight the significant roles of this powerful communication media WhatsApp among Start-up’s and MSMEs of India in terms of exchanging texts, images, videos and other documents while conducting their business on day-to-day basis. Also, the study intends to know more about WhatsApp’s benefits for Start-up’s and MSMEs in India and its future as a most cost-effective tool of marketing communication among start-ups and MSMEs.


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How to Cite

Kottani, A. K. ., and A. K. . K.N. “A Study on the Role of WhatsApp As an Emerging Business Communication Tool Among Startups and MSMEs in India”. International Journal of Management and Development Studies, vol. 10, no. 11, Nov. 2021, pp. 09-12, doi:10.53983/ijmds.v10n11.002.


